SBCA in Partnership with AZ Safety present:
Come and learn what to look out for on your job sites and how to keep your employees safe
Construction workers often perform tasks in confined spaces - work areas that (1) are large enough for an employee to enter, (2) have limited means of entry or exit, and (3) are not designed for continuous occupancy.
These spaces can present physical and atmospheric hazards that can be prevented if addressed prior to entering the space to perform work. People working in confined spaces face life-threatening hazards including toxic substances, electrocutions, explosions, and asphyxiation
This seminar provides you with information about these spaces, the hazards they may present, and ways to safely work in them.
Lunch is provided!
Please RSVP so we can cater appropriately.
Free for Members
$20 for Non Members
Entrance to the training room is downstairs on the East side of the Building near the Lifeguard offices.